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Khamisiyah Demolition model falsehoods

Here is what everyone has been waiting to see, the actual 
CIA satellite image from March 1991 that shows a easterly 
flow rather than southerly as outlined in the OSAGWI 


In this CIA image from the Khamisiyah pit, you see that smoke 
scarring on the ground is also easterly rather than just southerly. 
The CIA graphics are deliberately released in low resolution so 
that outside interpretation is limited. The bulk of the gray shadows 
are right of the dark blast pits, instead of all downward.

This is the PowerPoint presentation I gave to the RAC on September 
20th 2005, with attached satellite animation of Shamal trade winds in action. I explained this is all RAW data of my intended 3D rendering 
of the plume once I get the high altitude data for March 1991. 
By shifting the OSAGWI model to match terrain and wind direction 
from point of origin, you see a subtle change in exposures. The goal 
had been to show that the winds carried the smoke over most of VII 
Corp, definitely 1st and 3rd Armored, and troops in Kuwait City. 
The first three military models carefully placed the plume between 
most of the troops rather than across them as the normal weather 
patterns would have showed.


The DHSD 1991 Gulf War Khamisiyah demolition models 
contradicted the normal trade winds of the Iraqi southern 
terrain. I argued this profusely with DHSD, and with many 
to include GAO who still has my display. Now with the 
CHPPM's Oil Well Fire Super Plume data, the argument 
becomes more clear.

Well, I took the relief map from CHPPM'S Oil Well fires 
super plume and matched the overlay to the DHSD 
Khamisiyah model. The location of Kuwait border, 
Persian Gulf Beach line were my scale references for 
merging the two images. I then made the CHPPM'S map 
semi opaque, and applied to the DHSD map. Afterwards 
I then took the smoke outline and filled it in the super 
plume boundary.

As you see the from the super plume boundary, the 
DHSD model avoids natural wind flow for the region to 
take a artificial turn away the 1st and 3rd AD locations.
If the CHPPM'S plume is a accumulation of months of 
data, then this is a amalgamation of the trade winds of 
this region. Otherwise the smoke data would follow the 
other curvature at some point and covered more of 
Saudi Arabia.

This is why DHSD refused to provide satellite images 
in there Khamisiyah modeling report as it would conflict 
with its models. CHPPM's provides a brief image, and 
in it the wind patterns do not match DHSD wind weather 
Well, turns out NASA would provide the helpful clues on 
the trade winds in Iraq. It only took 15 years to finally get 
satellite images in high resolution of Iraq, and the Modis
Iraq subset had 29 days of sequential images to pull from.
From August 10th to September 9th 2005.
So the main demolition days in question was around
March 10th 1991, keep in mind the terrain of Iraq guide
these trade winds - so the August images wont be radically
different from March. The winds are blocked by mountains
of Iran to the northeast, and Iraqi valley features that flow down
to the Persian Gulf. The video shows this is pretty constant.
Compressed version - 1.4mg
Full resolution version - 16.4 meg
March 10th 1990 OSAGWI Plume model
Proposed March 10th 1990 Plume Model
These images had another added bonus, smoke markers
in many locations above, and in Kuwait that showed wind
direction that day. Only one day in 29 did the wind follow
the path hinted at by DHSD in its models, and it didnt curve
hard back into Saudi Arabia. Which would be odd as the
area in the model flows up over a large valley shelf instead
of the gentle slope to the ocean.
If you follow the trade winds, it would put the fallout of the
demolition over the concentration of 1st and 3rd AD units
of 7th Corp in southern Iraq. As well as troops in Kuwait
City. Not narrowly missing them like in the DOD models.
Here are some more features of Iraq demonstrating the
curvature of the valley as it wraps around the Iranian
mountains. In the second image below this one you also
see that the irrigation lines around the valley flow toward
the rivers, which means a raised terrain feature that flows
down from Saudi Arabia to the Euphrates in Iraq. Which
further supports the time lapse satellite images of the winds
general direction.